Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Great Weather is Bad News

The weather is beautiful today. Bright blue sky and probably 65 degrees. I have visitors in town who came from DC and had packed heavy coats and gloves. Tonight I have suggested that they walk to dinner because it is so nice out. This beautiful weather is really bad news. I don't know why (I am sure there is a meterological reason) but it only rains in Jordan when it is cold out (cold naturally being 40s or 50s). If you go outside and think "wow - it's really cold and kind of unpleasant" - very often it will rain the next day. Jordan really really needs the rain. Their dams are at about 10% capacity and the government will likely have to ration water more than they already do.

I traveled to some dairy farms with some American farmers a few weeks ago and they asked if Jordan had a rainy season - since we were at that time traveling through a very dry-looking desert. I answered, "yes, now" and they could see that if this is what Jordan's rainy season looked like - that this is not a good place for farming.

1 comment:

3XMom said...

Sorry for the farms - but nice that you have beautiful weather for your guests!!