Monday, February 15, 2010

Dancing in Front of the Embassy

In Jordan, security around the embassy was extensive - with many signs warning "do not take pictures" - here in Trinidad - the U.S. Embassy is on the Carnival parade route. Here you can see dancers making their way past the Embassy. Today is the "dress rehearsal" day so most people are only wearing part of their costume. Tomorrow there will be more headdresses and glitter.

This beautiful house is a few doors down from the Embassy and is for sale. It was profiled in the NYTimes because it is so lovely but its sale is tied up in historic preservation vs. developers.


3XMom said...

dear God - are you wearing a gold tasselled bikini???!!! I LOVE IT! I am so impressed with how into the spirit you are getting!

Stephanie said...

You should definitely bring that to Key West! :)

Dan & Duffy said...

Bikinis at Key West are all or nothing - everyone wears one or I won't.

Stephanie said...

I better go back to the gym...