Thursday, January 31, 2008

Nothing Better than a Snow Day

...except for two snow days! Dan here again, enjoying an unexpected holiday from visa interviews. Snowfall in Jordan is usually nothing to blog home about. However, a steady flurry began Tuesday night and kept going all through the day Wednesday, leaving 18 inches of snow on the ground. Work was closed, except for "essential" employees. Everyone with a visa interview scheduled for Wednesday and Thursday will need to come back another day. Nevertheless, it was a welcome break.

Our patio furniture bearing quite a load

Out for a walk amongst the SUVs

There are no snow plows in Jordan, but a number of front loaders were deployed to clear roads. Even our sleepy residential street was plowed within the first day - that would be speedy in DC! Despite the road clearing, it would be foolish to drive today in anything but a 4 x 4. Amman is a hilly town, with roads at a steeper grade than is permitted in the US. Add to that the carelessness of pedestrians walking in the street (a dangerous practice even in warm weather) and you have a recipe for a deadly commute.


3XMom said...

That is a LOT of snow. Who'd have thunk it! Congrats on the extra snow days!

Unknown said...

Oh preconceptions are showing again! You're in the Middle East...who thought it would snow? I think Dan looks like he's in one of those "before" shots, where the next shot shows a Mongo truck sliding through the intersection and Dan (hopefully) getting out of the way and (narrowly) avoiding a gruesome roadkill experience.