Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Cooking Duck

For the first time ever, we made duck for dinner last night. No, I have never seen a duck in Jordan this one was flown in already butchered and frozen from France. We had been told that if you ever seen something interesting in a grocery store you should just buy it because supplies are indeed limited. Similarly, every so often the grocery store has frozen turkeys and one day I bought sesame oil just because I saw it and we had previously made a dish with sesame paste (widely available) that turned out a little weird.

Thankfully, the several duck recipes I read on-line all had basically the same recipe - pan fry on the fatty side and then roast on the non-fatty side. The duck turned out good. It wasn't fabulous. Although it was helped tremendously with some apricot chutney given to me by the director of the local archaeological society.

Last Thursday, we actually went to a party at the archaeological society - which was yet another party attended by members of the royal family whom we don't actually speak to. Unlike celebrities, I actually can't identify members of the royal family (except the king) by face - but party gossip will spread that Prince so and so is here. At the party, I did have a nice conversation with the local head of CARE who said they have a program to introduce ducks into rural Jordanian communities - she said ducks are great because they basically eat trash and in return provide food.

Duck also makes a mess of your kitchen because it is so fatty. Thankfully Tuesdays are the day our cleaning lady Molly comes so we ate dinner and brought the dishes into the kitchen and basically closed the door. Our kitchen smells nice however because the peach tree on our property is producing peaches and our doorman dropped off a bag of them last night.


3XMom said...

I want DUCK! I would also like a cleaning lady and a doorman.

Dan & Duffy said...

You should move here - we used to have a gardener too but decided it wasn't worth the money nor the fights he had with our cleaning lady.