Wednesday, August 13, 2008

This week versus last week

While my week in Paris seemed to fly by – this first week back in Jordan is moving rather sluggishly.

Perhaps it is the contrast between what was great about last week:

1. Picking out macaroons at Laduree on the Champs Elyse – the black current were my favorite but I unfortunately discovered macaroons either don’t keep well or don’t travel well because they weren’t nearly as delicious by the time I was back in Jordan. This picture is of pastries from the same shop - the shopkeepers yelled at us for taking pictures but they were truly beautiful.

2. Picnicking on the steps of Le Madeleine church.
3. Playing canasta until early in the morning -everyone else was suffering from jetlag and so I think it was easier for them to stay up late - or at least that is the excuse I will use for my losing.

4. Admiring the beautiful museum structures at the Orsay and the Tuileries but wishing there was a fraction of the number of visitors – the first Sunday of the month is free entrance day and seemingly every Parisian still in town plus every tourist and backpacker was there – it was as crowded as the most crowded art exhibit I have been to – the Vermeer exhibit at DC’s National Gallery - but in every room. It was a bit quieter in the art deco furniture room but was utter chaos in the rooms with Monet and Van Gogh.

Here is a photo of friends outside of Van Gogh's house in Montmarte.

Jordan, is paling in comparison - as proof - here is how I am spending this week:

1. Trying to understand the politics around the sale of a new GSM license which has phone companies and bureaucrats snarling

2. Reading reports about Jordan’s inflation – now at 19.4%!!!

3. Emptying out an inbox full of email

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