Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Body of Lies Wasn't Filmed in Jordan

This weekend we went and saw Body of Lies. The movie was pretty good (but not great) and if you haven't seen it, it is about the relationship between the CIA and Jordan's equivalent: the GID.
In case anyone has seen it, I want to point out that the film wasn't made in Jordan - it was made in Morocco - so no, Amman doesn't look like that. Morocco and Jordan are about 2500 miles apart - about as far apart as New York and San Francisco - two cities that also don't look very similar (as opposed to naturally Toronto and every city it has ever pretended to be in a movie).
I would like to brag that my Arabic is better than Leonardo DiCaprio's and in one scene he is apparently able to "pass" as an Iraqi. I don't ever pass as an "Iraqi" or anything Arabic. We saw the film in Isael where it was naturally subtitled in Hebrew. A few of the scenes were in Arabic but thankfully our Arabic was (a) either good enough or (b) the dialogue was easy enough that we could understand what was happening. Thankfully all of the actors spoke high Arabic, which is what we were originally taught - but again would be a barrier in one's ability to "pass" as Iraqi.

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