Thursday, January 21, 2010

Panama Day 5: Monkeys!

During the tour of Gatun Lake, the boat pilot was skilled at spotting curious monkeys. We saw a few howler monkeys, unfortunately they were slow-moving, shy and uncooperative for photos. But we met more than a dozen White-headed Capuchin monkeys who would watch us pull up alongside in the boat.

The capuchin monkeys in Panama -unlike other, pathetic monkeys - have prehensile tails, meaning they can grasp branches with it.

The guide explained that less responsible guides will feed the monkeys to lure them onto the boat. But no monkeys were fed on our tour, I assure you.

We were instructed not to look directly into the monkey's eyes, and not to smile at them. Apparently the direct gaze and teeth exposed are sometimes mistaken as signs of aggression.

1 comment:

Bfiles said...

Hello there, I'm an FS candidate (taking the OA in a few weeks) and stumbled across your blog. What wonderful posts- Jordan and now Trinidad and Tobago! My husband and I are hoping to be a tandem couple- are you? If so I would love some insight into the bidding process and how you got assigned to a small post like Trinidad. I will confess that Caribbean islands feature in my FS fantasies! Thank you and keep enjoying all that travel - your photos are beautiful. Best, Bridget