Sunday, October 17, 2010

Eid Rum Festival

We suspect that Trinidad is the only country where a Rum Festival would be held on Eid (the holiday that celebrates the end of Ramadan). While we did go to iftars during Ramadan, we opted for the Rum Festival on the Eid holiday.

The first display was angostura art ... this one is a steel pan player

This was the crowd for the free rum drinks...
This was the smaller group listening to the lecture on how rum is made which featured a lot of jokes in the vein of "friends don't let friends drink Barbadian rum" or "I don't know what they make in [insert country name here] but it isn't rum."

1 comment:

Maria Mcclain said...

hi, nice post & good blog, i think you must submit it for free in this site to increase traffic. hope you have a nice day & keep blogging!!!