Sunday, September 9, 2007

Dinner at Legendary Restaurant

Last night we went to dinner with 4 colleagues in an old downtown restaurant - Hashems. The king and queen have also eaten here and we've been told it's popular with gangsters. Not that we know what a Jordanian gangster would look like .

Restaurant is probably a nice way of describing it. By restaurant, I mean there is a kitchen and plastic tables and chairs on the sidewalk/alley next to the kitchen. Dinner for six - $13. The woman who picked the restaurant insisted on picking up the whole tab – especially since the rest of us were mostly carrying much larger bills. $13 buys you a table full of pita bread, hummus, beans, a sort of spicy bean – hummus combination and two kinds of falafel plus bottled water, tea and fresh mint. Starbucks here pretty much costs the same as in DC.


Jules said...

Wow, dinning with royalty & gangsters all in the same place. It sounds fancy, lol! I hope you had great time.

3XMom said...

lol. too funny. I have to say, I would think I would like anything that is fried -- but falafel just doesn't do it for me. LOVE hummus though. Where are the Dead Sea pics?

3XMom said...

I want to see people floating!