Friday, February 22, 2008

Vote for Amena and Chris

Our friends here Hanan and Stephanie are renting their condo to Amena and Chris who are contestants in the Washington Post Express's wedding contest. Hanan says that they are a very sweet couple who are sometimes late with their rent and he is hopeful that if they win the contest they will spend their money on rent and not on party favors.

Their entry is very cute - there are five contestants whose applications are literally about 9/11, Iraq, HIV/Aids and dying of multiple sclerosis (sp?). Theirs is the lone funny application. Please vote for them so Hanan and Stephanie can get their rent.

According to our property manager our house is still fine. Fine means okay now that we have paid for a new roof, changed the locks to meet DC fire codes and had a sick 50-year old maple tree taken down. Our tenant thankfully continues to pay rent and is not involved in any contests that we know about.

Somehow, our home computer now knows we live in Jordan and the blog submission directions are all in arabic in the teeny-tiniest and kind of swirly font. I like my arabic like a five year old - in big, bold print so I can sound out each individual letter.

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