Friday, June 8, 2007

I'm Still in Arlington

Dan as he wrote has arrived safetly in Amman - alhamdilila (Arabic for "thanks be to God" which ends a lot of sentences). I'm still in Arlington but have moved from the Westin to the Booths. Living with the Booths has meant much companionship and a chance to read a lot of kids books - I loved one called The Daddy Mountain but storybook versions of Shrek 3 are far less charming.

I am down to two more weeks of classes. I have an hour of Arabic in the morning and then 7 hours of "how to do my job" training each day. My job seems to be go to meetings, take notes, write up reports and then drop everything if someone important is in town (president, VP, Sec. Rice, Senators, Congressmen, etc.) This happens a lot - not just because people want to see Petra where the Indiana Jones movie was set - but because Jordan is a lovely stopping point (with a 4 Seasons hotel) on the way to Baghdad (which does not have a 4 Seasons hotel).

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