Monday, September 22, 2008

Meet my department

My office like Dan's is half-Jordanian and half-American. This weekend we had a small party for a colleague who is about to have a baby. It is Ramadan and so it was a refreshment-free party but it did include a very cool balloon sculpture. There are multiple stores in Jordan that offer balloon sculptures and they can also be delivered by the food delivery service we use for dinner delivery. I'm not sure you can see but there are balloons inside balloons AND flower-shaped balloons. Our neighbor recently received a blue sculpture celebrating the arrival of a boy baby that included a baby-shaped balloon. Do such things exist in the U.S. and I just haven't been luck enough to be a recipient?


Unknown said...

I actually saw one yesterday outside of an apartment complex that just opened up. It wasn't nearly as eloborate as the one in your picture.

Unknown said...

I've seen clowns do some pretty intricate ballon art before. Very cool.