Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Car en route

At this point our furniture, half my clothes, Dan and now our car are all en route to Jordan. I am still in Virginia. The car was picked up today and after some bureaucratic anxiety - we schedule for 2-4pm they say they will be there between 11-1pm - our blue Saturn is now on a flat bed truck.
It's next stop will be Baltimore where it will go in a container and then onto a boat to Aqaba. Aqaba is Jordan's port town (and if you look at a map it looks like when the British and French were drawing Middle Eastern maps in 1919 they made Jordan funny-shaped so that it wouldn't be landlocked.

Most of our stuff is also traveling via boat to Jordan. Some stuff is supposed to arrive more quickly via air but it too needs to pass through customs so it doesn't arrive as quickly as you'd think stuff on an airplane should.

1 comment:

Jules said...

Thanks Duffy for your interesting post. Boy, that has got to be tough to have every thing traveling so far. Do you have to do more things before you can leave the country. I am glad that your car is on its way. Have a great day.