Sunday, June 17, 2007

Welcome to Madaba

I visited Madaba just before closing time. After a quick stop to see the famous 6th-century mosaic map in St. George's church, I made a straight shot for the Archaeological Museum. According to the posted hours, the museum had closed half an hour ago.

Using my poor Arabic, I pretended I was unaware of this problem. The guide quickly deduced I was not a native speaker. When I conceded that I was American, he lit up and insisted that I take the tour for free. The dusty winds had obscured the tile floors. Nobody was looking, so he grabbed a bottle of Windex and sprayed the dust off some of the 1500-year-old mosaics.

There are much better pictures of St. George's here.

1 comment:

Jules said...

Beautiful Mosaic Pictures! That sounds like a wonderful time, a one on one tour. LOL