Sunday, June 10, 2007

A few early photos

The oven that wouldn't spark

First grocery trip a success!

Views from the deck.


Jules said...

Hey Dan, How did you get those pictures of yourself. I am glad you were able to go shopping. Lol, Did you ever get that oven to work?

3XMom said...

So how was grocery shopping? Anything surprising? Did you find what you expected?

Are there delivery places? If so, how do you explain to them where you live (given the issues I've heard of lack of use of addresses...)

We miss you! Duffy is regretting her decision to live in a house with 3 kids for a month more and more each day (esp. as the kids are being unusually hysterical this last week!)

Dan & Duffy said...

Duffy sez... "Regret" is perhaps strong. Maybe my inner-diplomat/economist is increasingly recognizing that "free room with 3 kids nearby" is not exactly "free"