Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Our New Toy

This past weekend we actually had a lot of plans...
  • Thursday night we went to a party at the Australian Ambassador's House which turned into a sing-a-long around the piano and was probably the most fun party we have been to in Jordan.
  • Friday night we hosted our monthly dinner club. Each month the host picks a theme and everyone brings a dish. Our theme: use a piece of kitchen equipment that you packed and haven't used yet. We used our mandolin. Not only hadn't we used it since arriving in Jordan, we hadn't used it for years. Not since a Thanksgiving dinner where we tried making these fancy waffle chip potatoes and the potatoes turned blue as we waited out turn to get our prepared dish into the oven.
  • Saturday, I went shopping with a girlfriend at the Jordanian equivalent of outlet stores. Jordan has a number of garment factories that were established because the U.S. said "Jordan you are our friend. If you make clothes with both Jordanian and Israeli input, you can bring them into the U.S. at a low tariff rate." So these are clothes that were supposed to go to the U.S. but then I think the U.S. retailers didn't want them so then they are okay to sell in Jordan.

But now, we do not need to have plans ever again because we are now the owners of a Nintendo Wii. This is a video game system that for some games actually simulates the movements - i.e. when you are playing a boxing game you are boxing at the air, ditto pretend-swinging the remote as a baseball bat. We are particularly hooked on Mario Kart a driving game and Tennis.


3XMom said...

oh my gosh - really? you got a wii? I am starting to think I have to have one of those.

What did you make with your mandolin? What other implements did people use? Were there other weirdly cut foods?

Unknown said...

glad you used the Mandolin. didn't I buy that for you?!

Dan & Duffy said...

We made potatos au gratin with mushrooms using the mandolin. One couple used a handheld immulsion blender to make salad dressing, another couple made chocolate fondue in their fondue pot, and the 4th couple used an enormous casserole dish for an egyptian rice-lentil dish, and our last member made corn muffins in a muffin tin but complained that the whole theme benefitted married couples with wedding gift kitchenware.

Dan & Duffy said...

Mom and I both recalled that you got us knives - our beautiful steak knives - I hope it is true because we use them ALL the time and they are still in great shape