Monday, July 23, 2007

Field Trips

There are some really hard things about this job. Most notably leaving friends and family thousands of miles away and living in an apartment with really prissy furniture. But there are some great things too. Mostly they are field trips. The great thing about this job seems to be I can call up lots of people and say "Hi - I work at the embassy. I think your company is really interesting. Can I come visit?" And so far they have answered yes and usually they provide tea, coffee and really good cookies.

Yesterday, I went to a school for air traffic controllers and today I got to go up in the tower at the airport here. This is no O'Hare with flights every 16 seconds - but I got to see a flight land and one take off - and I got really good cookies. I was traveling with some military guys in town who wanted to see Mount Nebo. So after cookies, we went to Mount Nebo which is still dusty but is still overlooking the promised land. I was wearing a suit and unsensible shoes. When you visit Mt. Nebo do not wear a suit.


3XMom said...

Cool! I never get field trips, and rarely cookies at my job.

Jules said...

Actually, sometimes as a teacher we get to go on field trips as a chaperone. Sometimes, someone brings cookies to school to share. I get both of those perks as well as a School Teacher. It is neat that you get to visit all the places the Bible talks about as well.