Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Meetings and Petra

So far my work week has been many meetings around Amman and a trip down to Petra - to have more meetings rather than to see historic treasures.

Adventures in Meetings

1. Reading Powerpoint - normally, I think presenters who read their powerpoint slides are awful - but when they are speaking Arabic - as they were at a conference I went to on Sunday - I am hugely grateful and would have appreciated if they had read their Powerpoint slowly.

2. "Camel Experiences" - there are indeed many ways that work here is like work in DC but then you go to a meeting and you get a tourism presentation on "camel experiences" - as if there were a range of such experiences - and you are reminded that life is different here.

3. Camels #2-80 - Speaking of camels, yesterday, I went down to Petra - a two hour drive South and I saw probably another 80 camels and 1 "Camel Crossing" sign. Dan has still not seen any camels. I now have seen baby camels - camels that are white; camels that are taupe; and standard beige camels. All camels here seem to have one-hump.


3XMom said...

so I think the solution is to have Dan collect camels, much in the way Stephanie collects moose.

Jules said...

You have seen only one type of camel, the dromedary. There are two different types. Bactrin camels have 2 humps. Lol, I think it is funny that Dan has not seen a camel, yet. http://www.camels-camels.com/ Here is a whole website devoted to camels.