Sunday, July 8, 2007


Yesterday I was talking to Pam on the phone and she said "wow, is that the call to prayer? That is cool." Indeed, the deck we were sitting on is only a block away from a mosque and is easy to hear during our dinner but is also easy to hear at 3am when it is less cool. Last night, however we not only heard the 3 am call to prayer, which we can increasingly sleep through, but we also heard the 1 am victory fire works. Last night at 1 am local time, Petra's victory as one of the New Seven Wonders of the World was announced. Woo hoo. In the office, there was talk about what this means - will more people visit Jordan now? will more people who are visiting Israel make side trips? how can you make Petra a destination that you'd go to more than once?

It's worth noting that we can actually see/hear fireworks every night. Weddings are celebrated with fireworks and honking horns and since we have deck-views of most of the city's big hotels we see fireworks every night. Weddings seem to happen not just on weekends - for instance we were invited to a wedding tonight (the first day of the work week).


Anonymous said...

Your blog is very interesting!
Please, send me the photo of your pc desk and the link of your blog.
I'll publish on my blog!.
Thanks Frank

3XMom said...

congratulaions! I would like to see Petra someday.

Shauna said...

I never voted because you had to register and I was just too darn lazy to do so! Glad to hear your "campaigning" didn't go to waste.

Jules said...

I, too, want to see Petra someday.

Jules said...

Dan & Duffy,

I spent tme with my sister, Angie and her family on Monday & Tuesday! It was great to see them.